July 8, 2010

Lots of Sports, and More Heat

It's hot. Very hot. I can deal with temperatures in the high 80's, and maybe a day in the low 90's; but when we get 3-4 days in a row with temps just a few degrees below 100, I get kind of miserable. Cars' air conditioning units don't see to work well enough or fast enough, houses never seem to get comfortable by bedtime, and outdoor activities become more of a hassle than an enjoyment. But with all that said, everyone is in the same situation. It's not like the weather is uber-hot just for me. Everyone is just as miserable, so I have no reason to complain. I've continued to run at work during lunch, play softball, and do yard work.

Outside of the heat, life has been great. I've been spending a lot of time with my girlfriend on the weekends, including some 4-day holiday weekends and a few camping trips and such. It's been a pleasure! I enjoy spending time with her. She and I joke with her sister that the we spend too much time together, but we really don't. We spent maybe 2-3 days a week together. That's less than half the time. I know people in many relationships that are with each other every day. Some car pool to work. Some stop by every day after work, and others talk on the phone all day during work! We don't do that. We know we have our own separate lives, and we don't let that change who we are or how we handle our relationship. I like how things are doing, and I think she does, too. We both make each other smile, and we enjoy being around each other. I think I'm a better person when I'm around her, and that's something I've always wanted. I'm happy.

In addition to the woman, softball has continued to go on. The church softball league is getting close to its end with the last few weeks of games coming up soon, with 1 makeup game and then the tournament. The Sunday double-header league in Lakewood is also closing in on the end of the season, with a few more regular season games before the tourney begins. It's been fun - both leagues - but I'm ready for them to slow down and for football to begin.

Speaking of football, I cannot wait! Triway High School football starts a week from tonight when they have a 7-on-7 passing scrimmage. I'll be missing that one since Jennifer and I will be attending an Akron Aeros game with some of my co-workers for a celebration of a work-related milestone. But then the next week there's a 7-on-7, and then another the following week. After that, talk starts to heat up about what we saw or didn't see, and then 2-a-days officially start. The week after, scrimmages begin, not only for Triway but for our opponents, as well. I have a load of scrimmages on the schedule which I plan to attend, about half of them being our own and the other half being of our opponents. It's always fun to watch as many teams as possible in the preseason so I can have an idea of what to expect when the season gets here.

I'm still the statistician for the football team, which is something I really enjoy doing. However, as of right now, I still don't have anyone committed to help me with the job. A few years ago when I started, I had a partner on Friday nights, something which is preferred and almost necessary to get the job done correctly. However, all last year I did it by myself. I still did a pretty good job, in my opinion, but I'm always willing to take a partner. I've extended one offer already, and I hope that person takes it. But if not, I'm sure I'll be able to find someone else; but even if I don't, I can do it by myself again. Stats are fun to do, and that's another part of the season I look forward to.

As I sit here in my basement on my laptop watching TV and typing my blog, all I hear about is Lebron's decision at 9:00 PM on ESPN as to where he will play basketball next year. Everyone has their opinions, but nobody knows for sure. There's the "mots logical" choice, the "most sentimental" choice, and the "best" choice. What he goes with is totally up to him, obviously. I'm not going to fret it too much. If he doesn't stay, then Cleveland goes back to what we normally expect. If he stays, then great! Either way, it'll be over in just a few hours. Woo hoo!

Smile! May God continue to bless you.

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