January 23, 2011

P90X: Day 2 - Plyometrics

Date: 01/23/2011
Workout: Plyometrics
Day 2

Going into this Plyometrics workout, I had heard many say that this was by far the toughest, most challenging, and most intense workout there is in P90X. Well, one thing is for sure – it is 56+ minutes of non-stop movement in ways I wasn’t used to moving. However, it wasn’t as tough as I thought it’d be. I think that may have been partly due to the fact that I was doing it in a close-confines apartment with people living below that I didn’t want to disturb. I was still able to do all the workouts as directed but maybe not as exaggerated as I might have if I was on a basement floor.

My girlfriend and I started our “get fit” programs, however alike or different they may be, together earlier this week, so we’re trying to do as many workouts together as possible so we can motivate each other not only to start the workouts but also to do our best during them. We both had been driving for about an hour when we met at her apartment. Then we both changed and jumped right into the workout without wasting much time. Plus we wanted to be able to watch as much football today as possible, so that was another reason we jumped right in.

As the workout started, the warm-up sequence was definitely one that brought sweat to my brow along with some heavy breathing. However, I think it was definitely worth it to get ready for the “real” exercises in the workout. We both struggled for the first 20-25 minutes of the workout for some reason. We were doing all the exercises as described, and we were getting our butts beat! However, we were doing everything right the 2nd half of the workout, but for some reason the 2nd half was much easier than the first half. I don’t know. Maybe it was just me. But, like I alluded to earlier, some of it may have been our slight limitations inside the apartment wearing socks on carpet and having people below us we didn’t want to disturb (which made us focus on landing on our toes as softly as possible as is recommended in the video).

Either way, it was definitely a tough workout and one that I repeatedly commented that I wouldn’t mind putting my baseball players through during conditioning. I’m sure I’ll bring this up to Coach Carmichael in the next week or so as he prepares for open gyms. I hope the kids enjoy this one!

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