January 25, 2011

P90X: Day 4 - Yoga X

Date: 01/25/2011
Workout: Yoga X
Day 4

Oh. My. Goodness. The first 40 minutes of the 1 hour 30 minute workout was ridiculously hard! I knew it wasn’t going to be an easy workout since nothing in this program is. However, I was hoping it’d be a little more on the lighter side. The first half of the workout was just the opposite. I found myself only completing about half of the reps they were doing or skipping certain parts that I knew I wouldn’t be albe to do and then jumping back in when they started a new exercise or formation. Don’t get me wrong – I still tried every formation and got each one at least once or twice, but I was not getting the extension or extreme angles of those in the video, which I guess is kind of impossible.

The first 40 minutes went by so slowly I was contemplating stopping the DVD and calling it night especially since I didn’t get home until 9:15 PM and started the DVD around 9:45 PM. However, I’m glad I stuck it out through the hardest part. I was thrilled to hear about halfway through that the “hard” stuff was over and that the rest was simply balance-related. Even though they were just for balance, they were still tough, especially some of the twisting ones. My left hip is much, much less flexible than my right hip. I was thinking I was doing something wrong at first, but then later I heard Tony Horton say the same thing that his left hip was not as flexible as his right. Some of those twists really hurt and killed my left hip, but I think it’s something I can improve.

I can definitely see myself improving my flexibility in these exercises over the next 90 days, but I’m going to have to make sure I do the exercises as they are meant, such as flexing the feet instead of pointing them. It definitely puts an extra, uncomfortable strain on them, but it’s worth it. I had some issues with a few others when it came to making sure my legs were straight and not angled; but again, that will come with time, I hope.

All in all, I feel a lot better now, and I know what to expect the next time I do Yoga X. As for me being sore the last few days, today was not nearly as bad. I had a few spots that were a little sluggish, but I was not in any pain and had no uncomfortable feelings all day long. Hopefully I don’t experience any more pain like I did the last two days. Anyway, it is 11:50 PM, and I need to head to bed. I have Legs & Back tomorrow. Good night. Zzz…

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